Ewe Mama Onlus is a non-profit organization founded by the desire to help the poorest . It operates in the field of fundraising in support of missions and on the Italian territory through initiatives and events. Ewe Mama has been working alongside the Franciscan Order of Minor Friars, in particular from the African province St. Francis in East Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius and specifically in Uganda. (For more information visit http://www.stfrancisuganda.org/)
The association is made up of people of all ages who want to get involved in projects in Italy or abroad. We are bound by the desire to give our time to the poorest, giving up something of our own in a perspective of fraternal sharing. We are interested in the social development, the promotion of human dignity, the development of the rural local communities, the support to training and to education, the attention to the poorest and the concreteness of the interventions.
We want to work on sustainability with clear and achievable goals, making use of the thirty-year presence of the Franciscan Minor Friars in the territory. Two lay missionaries belonging to the association have been living for years in Uganda, where you can find the Franciscan community working on the development and maintenance of the projects supported by Ewe Mama, by ensuring contacts with Italy and the hospitality of any volunteer in the mission.
It is in this scenario and through these bases established that Ewe Mama brings its help in several ways: it provides awereness and fundraising activities on the Italian territory and it offers the opportunity to join the work of missionaries in foreign lands.
The association has supported many projects through the years: it contributed to the construction of a primary school in the Lira district (nort Uganda area) and of a church in Kabingo village; it supported the studies of many young students either living in the North and the South Uganda; it sent clothes and school equipment and constantly supported local churches, especially the Franciscan community of Rushooka. Above all, it fostered the creation of a centre for disabled children in 2014 in Rushooka and is currently
involved in its expansion; it subsidized the construction of spaces devoted to youth groups in Rwentobo
and it is now working at the construction of a space for orphan children. Ewe Mama also made possible to
organize training activities with local and foreign experts.
The association has supported many projects through the years: it contributed to the construction of a primary school in the Lira district (nort Uganda area) and of a church in Kabingo village; it supported the studies of many young students either living in the North and the South Uganda; it sent clothes and school equipment and constantly supported local churches, especially the Franciscan community of Rushooka. Above all, it fostered the creation of a centre for disabled children in 2014 in Rushooka and is currently
involved in its expansion; it subsidized the construction of spaces devoted to youth groups in Rwentobo
and it is now working at the construction of a space for orphan children. Ewe Mama also made possible to
organize training activities with local and foreign experts.
![]() I padri francescani alla messa domenicale. | ![]() Farina di mais, alla base dell'alimentazione ugandese. | ![]() Padre Agapitus in visita pastorale. |
![]() I vespri in comunità. | ![]() La colazione all'asilo di Rushooka. | ![]() Visita alle famiglie del villaggio. |
![]() I bambini disabili alla scoperta del villaggio. | ![]() Padre Francis al convento di Rushooka. | ![]() I vicini di casa. |
![]() Al villaggio Kijubwe si raccoglie la legna per il fuoco. | ![]() I bambini disabili imparano a coltivare. | ![]() La scorta "speciale" dei viaggiatori. |
![]() I bimbi a Rushooka non mancano mai. |
Become a member of EWE MAMA means to be a member of a young ONLUS which needs your help, your ideas and your time to grow.
Our greatest desire is to affirm in a concrete and decisive way the fundamental rights to health, education and dignity of life, in a work based on love, the desire to give time, attention and commitment to the ones frequently ignored in their suffering. Our projects support the self-organization and self-development: we work with reputable organizations, active for some time in Uganda and other countries.
The annual fee to become a member is the symbolic amount to 20 €.
You can make the payment of your fee by bank transfer to:
IBAN: IT84T0521610801000000000195
Please contact us for any further information.